Blacked Out & Backup!
Jan 18, 2012 5:30pm
Something happened durring the SOPA & PIPA protest. Not quite sure what it was but it sure looks darker around here! ;) Major updates are that I removed restrictions on comments and a new mp3 player FTW! Enjoy!
I really like your new site layout.
I'm so happy that I checked the site every day for the last two years...
You're finally back!
(and I feel really underground)
The new layout is very good, but the new music... is GREAT! Hope you'll hold your word with the weeklybeats. Im waiting for more with my fingers crossed. Good luck!
Yeah man great new layout, and even better music! Been a fan for a couple of years and its encouraging to see your talent not fade away.
Keep it up and hopefully eventually make a crapton of money for it! lol
thank you from anonymous